Project:Mapping tables/UNIMARC Bib 123

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UNIMARC MARC 21 BIBFRAME (Conversion 1) BIBFRAME (Conversion 2)
123 - Coded Data Field: Cartographic Resources-Scale and Co-ordinates 034 - CODED CARTOGRAPHIC MATHEMATICAL DATA (R) W - scale - Scale (subfields $a,b,c) W - cartographicAttributes - Cartographic (subfields $d,e,f,g)
a - Type of Scale $a - Category of scale (NR)
a - Linear scale ignore if $b and/or $c present ; if $b and $c not present, then ## - rdfs:label "linear scale"
b - Angular scale ## - ; add rdfs:label "angular scale"
b - Constant Ratio Linear Horizontal Scale $b - Constant ratio linear horizontal scale (R) ## - rdf:value "content of $b" ; add rdfs:label "linear horizontal"
c - Constant Ratio Linear Vertical Scale $c - Constant ratio linear vertical scale (R) ## - rdf:value "content of $c" ; add rdfs:label "linear vertical"
d - Co-ordinates –Westernmost Longitude $d - Coordinates--westernmost longitude (NR) ## - coordinates - literal ; concatenate $defg separated by a space
e - Co-ordinates –Easternmost Longitude $e - Coordinates--easternmost longitude (NR) See $d
f - Co-ordinates –Northernmost Latitude $f - Coordinates--northernmost latitude (NR) See $d
g - Co-ordinates –Southernmost Latitude $g - Coordinates--southernmost latitude (NR) See $d